What Is Knit Woven?
Woven vinyl, also known as knitted pvc, is produced by covering polyester yarns with high-strength pure pvc and knitting them. It is quite durable and robust.
- PVC has class 33 commercial strength (EN685). Thus, it can be used easily in offices, hotels, shops, hotels and all wet areas.
-Superior durability performs even in the heaviest load and traffic
- Provides underfoot comfort. Compared to floors such as stone, ceramic, concrete and laminate, it does not cause fatigue during long standing and walking processes. Therefore, it is suitable for places such as restaurants and shops.
-Easy to clean and maintenance free.
-Due to its knit structure, its surface is rough and non-slip.
- It has Bfl-s1 class non-flammability certificate.
- It is suitable for use in wet and heavily humid areas, dries quickly and does not grow mold.